When Will My Vagina Get Tight Again After a Baby

Mums, if you have had a 'normal' vaginal commitment, it's only normal for the vagina to exist larger than it was before. This is because during childbirth, the pelvic muscles get stretched and the vaginal muscles loosen. Simply has this led you to worry about how to tighten your vagina afterward birth?

One of the almost common complaints new mums get to hear from their hubbies with regards to sex is that, the vagina feels "also loose" and that, they "can't feel annihilation during sex."

Or as the MayoClinic says, "After childbirth, decreased muscle tone in the vagina might reduce pleasurable friction during sex — which can influence arousal."

This tin can dampen the mum's conviction and brand her feel less sexy, and a bit of a failure in the bedroom. This tin can result in any mum wanting to find out how to tighten her vagina after nascence.

The corporeality of vaginal stretching that happens during childbirth depends on:

  • The size of the baby
  • Genetics
  • Whether or non you did pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy to tone those muscles in preparation for childbirth.
  • How long yous pushed during delivery, and whether forceps or vacuum extraction were used etc
  • How many deliveries you've had earlier - each delivery is likely to stretch your vagina a tiny fleck more.

The good part? Thevagina not only has the power to expand just also the capacity to contract. That is why we've listed downwards 7 ways on how to tighten the vagina after nascence.

7 Ways On How To Tighten Your Vagina Later on Birth

Getting back into shape is not as incommunicable as you may think. While your body has gone through and then many changes during and after pregnancy, there are however ways you can get your pre-baby body back. In fact, we've found a total of seven means that may assist tighten your vagina after birth.


The all-time way to tone your pelvic floor muscles is to do Kegel exercises. And it's all-time to commencement doing them during pregnancy, as it makes information technology easier for those muscles to go back in shape post-delivery. It also makes information technology easier when trying out how to tighten the vagina after birth.

Merely tighten your pelvic muscles similar you lot are trying to stop peeing. The best function nearly Kegels is that y'all can do them whenever and wherever you want.

Start by holding the squeeze for 4 or five seconds at commencement. When yous get better at them, aim to keep the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a fourth dimension, relaxing for 10 seconds in-between 'squeezes'.

Try to do at to the lowest degree three sets of Kegels throughout your day to assistance you on how to tighten the muscles in your vagina later on nascency.

In fact, for best results, it is recommended that mums do Kegels 5 minutes a day, iii times a day during pregnancy and after nascence.

Leg raises

These simple exercises are a not bad style to tighten your vaginal muscles naturally.

To exercise a leg raise, prevarication down on your back on the floor, and heighten your legs upwards one afterwards the other. Make sure that your legs are directly while lifting and lowering them.

A variation to this technique involves moving both of your legs sideways.

For all-time results, do this exercise for effectually ten minutes, and repeat it at least five times every day to aid you on how to tighten the muscles in your vagina afterward birth.

how to tighten vagina after birth


Did y'all know that during an orgasm, the pelvic floor muscles contract and release? This ways orgasms can actually assistance in how to tighten your vagina afterwards birth.

This is considering the more you orgasm, the more you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

And the stronger your pelvic floor muscles are, the better you orgasm. Every bit unproblematic as that. :)

Vaginal cones

Have you heard of a vaginal cone?

A vaginal cone is a cone-shaped device that looks like a regular tampon simply has weights fastened to it. (The weights can usually be inserted into the cones.) This can help in how to tighten the vagina after birth.

You can showtime past inserting the lightest cone into your vagina, and effort to hold information technology in with the utilise of your muscles.

Echo this twice every day for fifteen minutes. And then, gradually increase the weights as you progress.

After using, make sure to launder the cones with warm soapy water and rinse.

how to tighten vagina after birth

Ben-Wa balls

Ben Wa assurance are modest marble-sized balls that can be used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and tighten the vagina.

Y'all might want to employ lubrication on the balls to help them glide in. Hold the balls inside y'all by tensing your leg muscles together and doing kegel exercises.

Start out with fifteen minutes and so try to go longer.


Yoga is safe and beneficial for pregnant women

Yoga and pilates too offering benefits when information technology comes to how to tighten the vagina after nativity.

Yoga poses like the Child's Pose, Bridge Pose, etc are apparently recommended for this purpose.

However, yoga if done incorrectly can atomic number 82 to physical issues, so it is always wiser to consult a certified yoga teacher before trying out such exercises.


Well, "you are what you consume", and it applies even to your vagina!

Consuming foods that are high in natural estrogens, such as fenugreek, sesame seeds, pomegranates, soybeans and its products, yarns, carrots, wheat berries and apples tin can help in how to tighten your vagina subsequently birth.

Information technology is likewise benign to take lots of wholegrain organic carbohydrates, fresh organic vegetables and fruits, also every bit organic lean creature poly peptide.

These are the 7 means on how to tighten the vagina after birth to get you back in shape! But recollect that giving birth to a child is already a success of its own so make to give yourself a bit of elbowroom to residual afterwards childbirth. Stay rubber and healthy, mums!

Besides READ:

Types Of Vaginal Discharge: Everything Yous Demand To Know

Sex After Commitment-Let's Talk About It!

Tightening Vagina After Delivery: 7 Ways To Get Back In Shape Down There!

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Source: https://sg.theasianparent.com/how-to-tighten-vagina-after-birth

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